Sierra de Segura, a natural park in the heart of Andalusia

Divided between mountains and forests, the Sierra de Segura Natural Park is a biosphere reserve recognised by UNESCO. An environment that gives La Tourangelle Olive oil its unique character!


The Olive as tradition

Its valleys offer the ideal climatic and chemical conditions for the cultivation of high quality olives. Historically present in the Mediterranean since 7000 BC, the cultivation and production of olive oil is today the speciality of the region of Jaèn, in Spain.  

This tradition is naturally in line with the respect of the environment of this unique place with a responsible, sustainable and organic culture.

De l'arbre au moulin en 30 minutes

The park is divided into numerous plots of olive trees, each of which is maintained and cultivated by the producers who harvest them. Cold-pressed on the day of harvest to preserve all the antioxidants, the olives are processed according to a traditional and ancestral know-how that respects the fruit and preserves all its taste and nutritional properties. The proximity of the mills, located in the heart of the estate, guarantees an olive oil of exceptional freshness.

Olive trees as far as the eye can see, but not only!

Sometimes perched at an altitude of more than 1150m, some of the plots are made up of olive trees that are more than 160 years old, and have always been cultivated with respect for the tree, the fruit and the land. Perfect conditions for growing more than 7 varieties of olives, including Picual, Aberquina and Farga, Morisca, Hojiblanca, ...

Rich in biodiversity, the Sierra de Segura Natural Park also has fruit trees that attract pollinators and help crops. Among the olive trees are cherry, quince, hazelnut and walnut trees.

Common values

At La Tourangelle, we are committed to working with quality ingredients while respecting traditional know-how in the service of taste, health and the planet.

This new range of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils has been developed in close collaboration with our partner producers and with olives rigorously selected for their fruity notes.

Click on the picture and go on a journey to Andalusia to discover the new Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils >